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Генераторы сигналов Keysight серии 33500B с возможностью генерации сигналов произвольной формы
Генераторы сигналов Keysight серии 33500B с возможностью генерации сигналов произвольной формы Генераторы сигналов Keysight серии 33500B с возможностью генерации сигналов произвольной формы Генераторы сигналов Keysight серии 33500B с возможностью генерации сигналов произвольной формы Генераторы сигналов Keysight серии 33500B с возможностью генерации сигналов произвольной формы Генераторы сигналов Keysight серии 33500B с возможностью генерации сигналов произвольной формы Генераторы сигналов Keysight серии 33500B с возможностью генерации сигналов произвольной формы Генераторы сигналов Keysight серии 33500B с возможностью генерации сигналов произвольной формы Генераторы сигналов Keysight серии 33500B с возможностью генерации сигналов произвольной формы

Генераторы сигналов Keysight серии 33500B с возможностью генерации сигналов произвольной формы


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Генераторы серии 33500B с эксклюзивной технологией генерации сигналов Trueform обладают большей функциональностью, точностью и гибкостью, чем традиционные генераторы с прямым цифровым синтезом. Используйте их для ускорения всех этапов процесса разработки.

Доступны восемь новых модернизируемых моделей - 33509B, 33510B, 33511B, 33512B, 33519B, 33520B, 33521B, 33522B - на частотах 20 и 30 МГц, с 1 и 2 каналами с полной набор стандартных функций и дополнительный проигрыватель сигналов I-Q основной полосы частот.

Ключевые особенности

  • Превосходная целостность сигнала благодаря технологии Trueform, обеспечивающей высочайшее разрешение и наименьшие искажения
  • Возможность выбора необходимой функциональности из восьми новых недорогих моделей с возможностью обновления
  • Превосходный пользовательский интерфейс с интуитивно понятной передней панелью, бесплатное программное обеспечение и локализованные руководства
  • Программное обеспечение BenchVue в комплекте
Ключевые характеристики
  • Синусоидальная и импульсная частота до 30 МГц
  • Джиттер: <40 пс
  • THD: <0,04%
  • Диапазоны амплитуды: от 1 мВ до 10 В (пиковый)
  • Частота дискретизации 250 Мвыб / с
  • 16-битное разрешение по амплитуде
  • 1 MSa / канал памяти, 16 MSa опционально
Номер в Госреестре Наименование СИ Обозначение типа СИ Изготовитель Срок свидетельства или заводской номер
72915-18 Генераторы сигналов произвольной формы 33500B Компания "Keysight Technologies Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.", Малайзия 26.10.2023
Instrument characteristics
Models & options
33509B/11B/19B/21B 1-channel
33510B/12B/20B/22B 2-channel
Option MEM Increases arbitrary waveform memory to 16 MSa/channel*
Option OCX OCXO timebase for ultra-high stability
Option IQP IQ player (Only available on 33512B and 33522B)
Standard Sine, square, ramp, pulse, triangle, Gaussian noise,  PRBS (Pseudorandom Binary Sequence), DC
Built-in arbitrary* Cardiac, exponential fall, exponential rise, Gaussian pulse,  Haversine, Lorentz, D-Lorentz, negative ramp, sinc
User-defined arbitrary* Up to 1 MSa (16 MSa with Option MEM) with multi-segment sequencing
Operating modes & modulation types
Operating modes Continuous, modulate, frequency sweep, burst, output gate
Modulation types AM, FM, PM, FSK, BPSK, PWM, Sum (carrier + modulation)
Waveform characteristics  
Frequency range 1 μHz to 20 MHz or 30 MHz, 1 μHz resolution
Amplitude flatness (spec)1, 2
(relative to 1 kHz)
< 100 kHz: ± 0.10 dB
100 kHz to 5 MHz: ± 0.15 dB
5 to 20 MHz: ± 0.30 dB
20 to 30 MHz:** ± 0.40 dB
Harmonic distortion (typ) 2, 3 < 20 kHz: < -70 dBc
20 to 100 kHz: < -65 dBc
100 kHz to 1 MHz: < -50 dBc
1 to 20 MHz: < -40 dBc
20 to 30 MHz:** < -35 dBc
THD (typ) 20 Hz to 20 kHz: < 0.04%
Non-harmonic spurious (typ) 2, 3 Standard: < -75 dBc, increasing +20 dB/decade above 2 MHz
Option OCX: < -75 dBc, increasing +20 dB/decade above 10 MHz
(or < -100 dBm, whichever is greater, below 500 MHz)
Phase noise (SSB) (typ) Standard Option OCX
1 kHz offset: -105 -110 dBc/Hz
10 kHz offset: -115 -125 dBc/Hz
100 kHz offset: -125 -135 dBc/Hz
*Only available on 33511B/12B/21B/22B
**Only available on 33519B/20B/21B/22B
NOTE: See page 22 for footnotes 1 through 10
Square & pulse
Frequency range 1 μHz to 20 MHz or 30 MHz, 1 μHz resolution
Rise and fall times (nom) Square: 8.4 ns, fixed  Pulse: 8.4 ns to 1 μs, independently variable, 100-ps or 3-digit resolution
Overshoot (typ) < 2%
Duty cycle 0.01% to 99.99% 8
Pulse width 16 ns minimum, 100-ps resolution
Jitter (cycle-to-cycle, typ) < 40 ps rms
Ramp & triangle
Frequency range 1 μHz to 200 kHz, 1 μHz resolution
Ramp symmetry 0.0% to 100.0%, 0.1% resolution  (0% is negative ramp, 100% is positive ramp, 50% is Triangle)
Nonlinearity (typ) < 0.05% from 5% to 95% of the signal amplitude
Gaussian noise
Bandwidth (typ) 1 mHz to 20 MHz or 30 MHz, variable
Crest factor (nom) 4,6
Repetition period > 50 years
Pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS)
Bit rate 1 mbps to 50 Mbps, 1 mbps resolution
Sequence length 2m -1, m=7, 9, 11, 15, 20, 23
Rise and fall times (nom) 8.4 ns to 1 μs, variable, 100-ps or 3-digit resolution
Arbitrary waveform characteristics
General  Waveform length 8 Sa to 1 MSa per channel (16 MSa with Option OCX) in increments of 1 sample
Sample rate 1 μSa∕s to 250 MSa/s, 1 μSa∕s resolution
Voltage resolution 16 bits
Bandwidth (-3 dB, nom) Filter Off: 40 MHz  "Normal" Filter On: 0.27 x (Sample Rate)  "Step" Filter On: 0.13 x (Sample Rate)
Rise and fall time 0.35 / Bandwidth (10 ns min) with "Normal" or "Step" filter On
Settling time (typ) < 200 ns to 0.5% of final value
Jitter (typ) Filter Off: < 40 ps rms "Normal" or "Step" filter On: < 5 ps
IQ Player Characteristics
Balance Adjust
Amplitude Gain  (channel to channel amplitude balance) -30% to +30%
Delta Offset Ch 1 and Ch 2 ± (5 VDC - Peak AC) into 50 Ω ± (10 VDC - Peak AC) into open circuit
IQ Signal Skew  (adjusts channel to channel skew) -4.00 ns to +4.00 ns
Amplitude vs. Time
X-Y (constellation diagram)
Waveform sequencing (Available only on 33511B/12B/21B/22B)
Operation Individual arbitrary waveforms (segments) can be combined into user-defined lists (sequences) to form longer, more complex waveforms. Each sequence step specifies whether to repeat the associated segment a certain number of times, to repeat it indefinitely, to repeat it until a Trigger event occurs, or to stop and wait for a Trigger event. Additionally, the behavior of the  Sync output can be specified in each step.  To improve throughput, up to 32 sequences totalling up to 1,024 segments can be pre-loaded into volatile memory.
Segment length 8 Sa to 1 MSa per channel (16 MSa with Option MEM) in increments of 1 sample
Sequence length 1 to 512 steps
Segment repeat count 1 to 1x106, or infinite
Output characteristics
Outputs Connector shells for channel output(s), Sync, and Mod In are connected together but isolated from the instrument's chassis. Maximum allowable voltage on isolated connector shells is ±42 Vpk
Signal output
Output impedance (nom) 50 Ω
On, off, inverted User-selectable for each channel
Voltage limit User-definable VMAX and VMIN limits
Overload protection Output turns off automatically when an overload is applied  Instrument will tolerate a short-circuit to ground indefinitely
Range 1 mVpp to 10 Vpp into 50 Ω
2 mVpp to 20 Vpp into open circuit
Resolution 4 digits
Units Vpp, Vrms, or dBm, selectable
Accuracy 1,2 (spec) ±1% of setting ±1 mVpp at 1 kHz
DC offset
Range 5 ±(5 VDC - Peak AC) into 50 Ω ±(10 VDC - Peak AC) into open circuit
Resolution 4 digits
Units VDC
Accuracy 1,2 (spec) ±1% of Offset setting ±0.25% of Amplitude setting ±2mV
Frequency accuracy
Standard frequency reference (spec)
1 year, 23° C ± 5° C ±1 ppm of setting ± 15 pHz
1 year, 0° C to 55° C ±2 ppm of setting ± 15 pHz
High-stability frequency reference (spec): Option OCX
1 year, 0° C to 55° C ±0.1 ppm of setting ± 15 pHz
Modulation types and operating modes
Carrier AM FM PM FSK BPSK PWM Sum Burst Sweep
Sine and Square  
Triangle and Ramp  
Gaussian Noise   •a  
Single ARB*   •b   •b    
Sequenced ARB*    
a. Gated burst only. b. Applies to sample clock, not whole waveform.
Modulating signals
Carrier Sine Square Triangle / Ramp Noise PRBS ARB* External
Square and Pulse
Triangle and Ramp
Gaussian Noise  
* Only applies to 33511B/12B/21B/22B
Modulation characteristics
Amplitude modulation (AM)
Source Internal or external, or either channel with 2-channel models
Type Full-carrier or double-sideband suppressed-carrier
Depth 1 0% to 120%, 0.01% resolution
Frequency modulation (FM) 7
Source Internal or external, or either channel with 2-channel models
Deviation 1 μHz to 15 MHz, 1 μHz resolution
Phase modulation(PM)  
Source Internal or external, or either channel with 2-channel models
Deviation 0° to 360°, 0.1° resolution
Frequency shift key modulation (FSK) 7
Source Internal timer or ext trig connector
Mark & space Any frequency within the carrier signal's range
Rate 0 Hz to 1 MHz
Binary phase shift key modulation (BPSK)
Source Internal timer or ext trig connector
Phase shift 0° to 360°, 0.1° resolution
Rate 0 Hz to 1 MHz
Pulse width modulation (PWM)
Source Internal or external, or either channel with 2-channel models
Deviation 8 0% to 100% of pulse width, 0.01% resolution
Additive modulation (Sum)
Source Internal or external, or either channel with 2-channel models
Ratio 6 0% to 100% of carrier amplitude, 0.01% resolution
Burst 9
Type Counted or gated
Count 1 to 1x108 cycles, or infinite
Gated Produces complete cycles while Ext Trig is asserted
Start/stop phase 4 -360° to 360°, 0.1° resolution
Trigger source Internal Timer or Ext Trig connector
Marker Adjustable to any cycle; indicated by the trailing edge of the Sync pulse
Sweep 7
Type Linear, Logarithmic, List (up to 128 user-defined frequencies)
Operation Linear and Logarithmic sweeps are characterized by a Sweep time (during which the frequency changes smoothly from Start to Stop), a Hold time (during which the frequency stays at the Stop frequency), and a Return time (during which the frequency changes smoothly from Stop to Start). Returns are always linear.
Direction Up (Start freq < Stop freq) or Down (Start freq > Stop freq)
Start and stop frequencies Any frequency within the waveform's range
Sweep time Linear:             1 ms to 3600 s, 1 ms resolution;
                           3601 s to 250,000 s, 1 s resolution
Logarithmic: 1 ms to 500 s
Hold time 0 s to 3600 s, 1 ms resolution
Return time 0 s to 3600 s, 1 ms resolution
Trigger source 10 Immediate (continuous), external, single, bus, or timer
Marker Adjustable to any frequency between Start and Stop for Linear and Logarithmic types or any frequency in the list for List type; indicated by the trailing edge of the sync pulse
Internal timer for FSK, BPSK, BURST, and SWEEP
Range 1 μs to 8000s, 6-digit or 4 ns resolution
2-channel characteristics (Only applies to 33519B/20B/21B/22B)
Operating modes Independent, coupled parameter(s), combined (Ch 1 + Ch 2),  Equal (Ch 2 = Ch 1), or differential (Ch 2 = -Ch 1)
Parameter coupling None, frequency (ratio or difference) and/or amplitude and DC offset
Relative phase 0° to 360°, 0.1° resolution
Skew (typ) < 200 ps (when performing identical operations)
Crosstalk (typ) < -85 dB
Sync/marker output
Connector Front-panel BNC, isolated from chassis
Functions Sync, sweep marker, burst marker, or arbitrary waveform marker
Assignment Channel 1 or channel 2
Polarity Normal or inverted
Voltage level (nom) 3 Vpp into open circuit, 1.5 Vpp into 50 Ω
Output impedance (nom) 50 Ω
Minimum pulse width (nom) 16 ns
External trigger/gate
Connector Rear-panel BNC, chassis-referenced
Function Input or output
Assignment Channel 1, channel 2, or both (as input)  Channel 1 or channel 2 (as output)
Polarity Positive or negative slope
Voltage level (nom) 0 V to 0.4 V for low, > 2.3 V for high, 3.5 V maximum (as input)
3 Vpp (nom) into open circuit, 1.5 Vpp (nom) into 50 Ω (as output)
Impedance (nom) 10k Ω, DC-coupled (as input)  50 Ω (as output)
Minimum pulse width (nom) 16 ns
Input rate DC to 1 MHz
Minimum pulse width 100 ns (as input)
Duty cycle (nom) 50% (as output)
Trigger delay 0 s to 1000 s, 4 ns resolution; applies to all trigger events
Input latency (typ) < 135 ns with Trigger Delay set to zero
Input jitter (typ) < 2.5 ns, rms
Fanout ≤ 4 total Keysight 33500B Series waveform generators
Modulation input
Connector Rear-panel BNC, isolated
Assignment Channel 1, Channel 2, or both
Voltage level ±5 V full-scale
Input impedance (nom) 5k Ω
Bandwidth (-3 dB, typ) 0 Hz to 100 kHz
Frequency reference input
Connector Rear-panel BNC, isolated from chassis and all other connectors
Reference selection Internal, external, or auto
Frequency range Standard:       10 MHz ± 20 Hz
Option OCX: 10 MHz ± 1 Hz
Lock time (typ) <2 s
Voltage level 200 mVpp to 5 Vpp
Input Impedance (nom) 1k Ω || 20 pF, AC-coupled
Frequency reference output
Connector Rear-panel BNC, chasis-referenced
Frequency (nom) 10 MHz
Output impedance (nom) 50 Ω, AC-coupled
Level (nom) 0 dBm, 632 mVpp into 50 Ω
Real-time clock/calendar
Set and read Year, month, day, hour, minute, second
Battery CR-2032 coin-type, replacable, >5-year life (typ)
Programming times (meas.)  
Configuration change speed  
  LAN (socket) LAN (VXI-11) USB 2.0 GPIB
Change function 5 ms 6 ms 5 ms 5 ms
Change frequency 2 ms 3 ms 2 ms 3 ms
Change amplitude 20 ms 20 ms 19 ms 22 ms
Select user arb (16 k) 9 ms 11 ms 9 ms 9 ms
Arbitrary waveform download speed to volatile
(binary transfer) LAN (socket) LAN (VXI-11) USB 2.0 GPIB
4 k sample 6 ms 18 ms 8 ms 39 ms
1 M sample 1.3 s 2.6 s 13 s 9.1 s
Arbitrary waveform and instrument state memory
Volatile 1x106 samples per channel or 16x106 samples per channel (Option MEM) 512 sequence steps per channel
Non-volatile File sytem file space is limited to 64 MB (~32 MSa of arbitrary waveform records)
Instrument state
Store / Recall User defined instrument states
Power Off Power Off state automatically saved
Power On Factory default settings or last power off settings
USB File System
Front-panel port USB 2.0 high-speed mass storage (MSC) class device
Capability Read or write instrument configuration settings, instrument states and user arbitrary waveform and sequence files.
Speed 10 MB/s (nom)
General characteristics
Computer interfaces
LXI- C (rev1.3) 10/100Base-T Ethernet (Sockets & VXI-11 protocol)  USB2.0 (USB-TMC488 protocol)  GPIB/IEEE-488.1, IEEE-488.2
Web user interface Remote operation and monitoring
Programming language SCPI-1999, IEEE-488.2  Keysight 33210A / 33220A compatibile
Graphical display 4.3" Color TFT WQVGA (480x272) with LED backlight
Size 261.1mm W x 103.8mm H x 303.2mm D (with bumpers installed)  212.8mm W x 88.3mm H x 272.3mm D (with bumpers removed)  2U x 1/2 rack width
Weight (nom)  Environmental 3.3 kg (7.2 lbs)
Storage temperature -40"C to 70‘C
Warm-up time 1 hour
Operating environment EN61010, polution degree 2; indoor locations
Operating temperature 0‘C to 55‘C
Operating humidity 5% to 80% RH, non-condensing
Operating altitude up to 3000 meters
Safety Complies with European Low Voltage Directive and carries the CE-marking.  Conforms to UL 61010-1, CSA C22.2 61010-1, and IEC 61010-1:2001
EMC Complies with European EMC Directive for test and measurement products.
- IEC/EN 61326-1
- CISPR Pub 11 Group 1, class A
- ICES/NMB-001
Complies with Australian standard and carries C-Tick mark
This ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001.
Cet appareil ISM est conforme a la norme NMB-001 du Canada
Acoustic Noise (nom) SPL 35 dB(A)
Line power
Voltage 100 V - 240 V 50/60 Hz -5%, +10%  100 V - 120 V 400 Hz ±10%
Power consumption (typ) < 45 W, < 130 VA
Specification (spec)
The warranted performance of a calibrated instrument that has been stored for a minimum of 2 hours within the operating temperature range of 0° C - 55° C and after a 45-minute warm up period. All specifications include measurement uncertainty and were created in compliance with ISO-17025 methods.  Data published in this document are specifications (spec) only where specifically indicated.
Typical (typ)
The characteristic performance, which 80% or more of manufactured instruments will meet. This data is not warranted, does not include measurement uncertainty, and is valid only at room temperature (approximately 23°C).
Nominal (nom)
The mean or average characteristic performance, or the value of an attribute that is determined by design such as a connector type, physical dimension, or operating speed.  This data is not warranted and is measured at room temperature (approximately  23°C).
Measured (meas)
An attribute measured during development for purposes of communicating the expected performance. This data is not warranted and is measured at room temperature (approximately 23°C).
Represents the traceable accuracy of a specified parameter. Includes measurement error and timebase error, and calibration source uncertainty.  Random measuremet errors are combined using the root-sum-square method and are multiplied by M for the desired Confidence Level. Syatematic errors are added linearly and include time skew errors, trigger timing errors, and timebase errors as appropriate for each measurement type.
Confidence Level

Подробные технические характеристики, информация производителя, брошюры:

Модели Описание Цена
33509B Генератор сигналов, 20 МГц, 1 канал
По запросу
33510B Генератор сигналов, 20 МГц, 2 канала
По запросу
33511B Генератор сигналов, 20 МГц, 1 канал, функция генерации сигналов произвольной формы
По запросу
33512B Генератор сигналов, 20 МГц, 2 канала, функция генерации сигналов произвольной формы
По запросу
33519B Генератор сигналов, 30 МГц, 1 канал
По запросу
33520B Генератор сигналов, 30 МГц, 2 канала
По запросу
33521B Генератор сигналов, 30 МГц, 1 канал, функция генерации сигналов произвольной формы
По запросу
33522B Генератор сигналов, 30 МГц, 2 канала, функция генерации сигналов произвольной формы
По запросу
Опции Описание Цена
335xxB-MEM Увеличение глубины памяти до 16 Мвыб/канал (только для моделей с генератором сигналов произвольной формы)
По запросу
335xxB-OCX Термостатированный кварцевый генератор
По запросу
335xxB-SEC Функции безопасности, соответствующие NISPOM
По запросу

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